Moisture-resistant cabinet needed for camera

Moisture is a great influence on many aspects of human life. Therefore, in order to avoid the penetration of moisture, it is necessary to have specialized humidity control devices such as: Dehumidifiers, humidity control cabinets ...

Moisture resistant cabinet, a specialized equipment used by many consumers in Vietnam to preserve electronic components, money, cameras ... in rainy days, wet when humidity in the air higher.

But with a new device, quite strange to consumers today, choosing to buy a moisture barrier is not a simple thing, so in this article technical experts on moisture barriers at supermarkets Electronic New Age Company, a provider of moisture resistant cabinets in the Vietnamese market, will give some notes to customers when buying moisture proof cabinets.



Tủ chống ẩm cần thiết cho máy ảnh

Tủ chống ẩm cao cấp Nikatei NC-30C (30 lít)


Firstly, when choosing to buy moisture-resistant cabinets you need to care about origin and origin of products because nowadays there are many brands of moisture-proof cabinets. Customers should choose reputable brands such as Nikatei by Nikatei's quality as well as the best product warranty on the market today. The warranty lasts up to five years so you can be assured of quality. right.

In addition, you should note some factors after buying moisture resistant cabinets such as: Machine must be easy to adjust and easy to use. The installed humidity is not affected much by the time. Low power consumption to save power.

Another point to note is the size of the moisture barrier. You should consider purchasing a damp room of the size appropriate for future use. You should not buy a small sized dampproof cabinet or suit your needs in the present.

When choosing to buy moisture-resistant cabinets you can not ignore the ability to resist moisture (the ability to remove moisture). You can easily check and compare the moisture resistance of the machine through the specifications. When using humidity cabinets, the rapid moisture balance in the cabinet is needed. Moisture prevention cabinets need to be efficient and quick to put the humidity in the cabinet to the safe level as set.

The ideal humidity to maintain the lens is between 35% and 45%, so moisture resistant cabinets will be the most effective, accurate and effective moisturizing solution for every cabinet equipped with a moisture meter. So users have the ability to adjust the moisture as you like. With professional equipment such as humidity cabinet, moisture management is very easy.

However, the price of these moisture-resistant cabinets is not cheap, so buying a humidity cabinet with a limited financial situation is not a simple thing. But now we can safely protect our cameras with genuine discounted moisture barriers only available at New Age Company.

Here we will introduce some of the latest models of Nikatei cabinets customers can refer.

Nikatei DH030 moisturizing cabinet (muscle): Capacity: 30 liters. The cabinet design is lightweight, installed 01 Block running 01 IC cooling and dehumidifying. Controls humidity with a knob.

Model Nikatei DCH100 has capacity: 100 liters, vertical type, compact design cabinet, installed 01 Block running 01 IC cooling and dehumidifying. Control humidity by electronic screen.

Model Nikatei DCH120W capacity: 120 liters. The cabinet is designed lightweight, installed 01 Block running 01 IC cooling and dehumidifying. Control humidity by electronic screen. Design: horizontal cabinet.

Nikatei DH080 moisture-proof cabinet (base) Capacity: 80 liters. The horizontal design, cabinet is designed lightweight, installed 01 Block running 01 IC cooling and dehumidifying. Moisture control by muscle.

Currently, the Nikatei humidity cabinet line is being offered by New Age Technology Distribution. New Age Company is a professional supplier of moisture resistant cabinets in the Vietnamese market for many years.

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